Since becoming the first non-profit economic development corporation in 1989, The Development Corporation of Abilene has worked to promote the creation of new and expanded industry. Abilene thrives when the small business community is successful — this empowers local small business owners to support and cheer for each other which ultimately boosts the economy as a whole.
Resources like the Texas Tech Small Business Development Center works to empower local entrepreneurs through low- and no-cost counseling and training services. The SBDC offers a wide variety of assistance, ranging from helping organizations achieve financial literacy to educating on the art of reaching consumers in an online marketplace.
The Development Corporation of Abilene, City of Abilene, and Taylor County Announce Expanded Development within Lancium’s Clean Campus through Crusoe’s 998,000 Square Foot Data Center Project
The Development Corporation of Abilene, City of Abilene, and Taylor County Announce Amendment to the Existing Agreements with Lancium for Expanded Development of Clean Campus